Flat Roofing Solutions For Water Ponding
Flat roofs are installed on many commercial buildings and they are easy to access for inspections and repairs. So, if an inspection has revealed some water ponding issues, then you may need a fix as soon as possible. Keep reading to find out what ponding is and what a professional may do for a repair.
What Is Water Ponding?
Ponding occurs when stagnant water builds up in certain sections of the roof. This creates puddles of water that only recede when the fluid evaporates from sun exposure. And, although commercial roofs are constructed from waterproof materials, the water can find small pinhole openings and minuscule tears in the membrane and leak through the roof.
Ponding is not a normal commercial roof condition. It only occurs when there is a direct problem with the roof. It may mean that drainage has been affected by clogged drain openings or the drain may be in a state of disrepair. Also, water simply may not be directed to the drain opening, which is often related to a pitch issue.
Ponding can also occur if you have inadvertently caused dips to form in the roof's structure by walking on the surface. These dips are where the insulation has compacted underneath the membrane. Settling of the building as a whole can cause some dips to form and may result in some minor ponding.
How Is Ponding Fixed?
Ponding can be fixed by a professional commercial contractor, and the solution will depend on why the ponding has occurred in the first place. If walking or general wear has flattened the insulation, then slivers of the insulating material may be removed on either side of the pond. This helps to create a lowered channel where water can run to a nearby drain.
Sometimes the pond can be built up with patch materials or a waterproof plaster. If there are pinholes or rips in the membrane, then a new membrane may be added to the region.
If drainage is the main concern, then additional drains can be added and existing ones may be repaired of widened. Oftentimes, an additional drain is needed in the middle of the roof and can be attached to either the internal waste drainage or the exterior drain.
Repitching may be necessary too. Keep in mind that this is a more time-consuming and labor-intensive job and is best completed at the same time that a new commercial roof is installed.
Speak with someone who specializes in flat roofing repairs if you think you may have a ponding problem that needs to be addressed.
To learn more, contact a commercial roof repair service today.