Roof Maintenance Tips That Will Ward Off Mold From Your Attic

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A roof full of mold is a clear sign of an active leak. Leaks can result from past storms, poor and unprofessional roof installation, or negligence. Whichever the reason, a water roof leakage results in a damp attic, creating favorable conditions for mold to grow. Sometimes, moisture can build up in the attic if it is not well ventilated. If not addressed in time, the situation can become catastrophic. 

For instance, black mold causes health issues like asthma and runny nose and can affect anyone, including those without mold allergies. That is why you should hire a professional roofer to eliminate the mold as soon as it emerges. Below are maintenance tips that can keep mold away from your attic.

Ensuring There Is No Chance for Roof Leakage

As already established, your attic will be filled with moisture if your roof is leaking and in need of repairs. If the mold infestation is widespread, replacing the affected parts of the rooftop can prevent the further spread of the mold. The repairs should include affected gutters, shingles, and pipe flashing. 

Taking Care of Lifted Shingles

A mold-filled attic can also result from lifted shingles. This happens when the shingles dry up and, in the process, begin lifting off the deck. That makes the shingles exposed to water and moisture seepage. 

Before you know it, your roof will be full of mold, which may also spread into the attic. Therefore, it is imperative to ask your roofer to inspect the rooftop once you spot lifted shingles. They will check how far the infestation has spread and recommend a remedy.

Keep Your Attic Ventilated 

Another way to mitigate mold is ensuring the attic is properly ventilated. Attic ventilation can be achieved by installing a roof gable or soft vents. If your home already has one, confirm the duct is not clogged through regular maintenance. 

But if you notice the vents are clear, you may need to boost the vent size or increase the number of vents to improve airflow. However, if the attic is already mold-infested, you should hire a qualified roofer to remediate it since doing it yourself is not safe. Also, DIY remediation could cause the spores to fly and find new destinations. 

Mold can be problematic to your property and its occupants. However, with the above maintenance tips, you can keep the situation under control. But do not forget to partner with a professional roofing contractor to ensure early detection of the emerging issues. 

Additional reading about how to ward off mold in your attic can help you keep your home safe. 
